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2017 Annual Expo - Innovation: The Next Frontier - ATTENDEES

  • 01 Feb 2017
  • 8:00 AM
  • 02 Feb 2017
  • 5:00 PM
  • Anchorage Downtown Marriott


  • Those registering 4 or more attendees from the same organization, the cost is $475 for the first 3, $375 for subsequent attendees.

    AAHU will invoice separately based on registration.
  • DAY 1: 2/1/17 - AM Session
  • Includes DAY 1: 2/1/17 afternoon speaker and Wine Education & Tasting Event
  • Included attendance to Day 2 events, access to vendors, and 7-8 CE credits.
  • DAY 1 - Includes Wine Tasting ONLY

Registration is closed

15th Annual Alaska AHU Expo

Account Manager Certification
Register by December 31 and receive a 30% discount!
Use Code: NAHUYES  

Click To Register

FEBRUARY 1, 2017 - AAHU EXPO DAY 1 (up to 8 CE credits)

  • Registration begins at 8:30AM, sessions begin at 9
  • Continental breakfast will be provided
FEBRUARY 2, 2017 - AAHU EXPO DAY 2 (up to 8 CE credits)
  • Registration begins at 7:15AM
  • Benefits EXPO - 8:00AM - 5:00pm - Partner prize drawing will be held at end of event.
  • Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack will be provided.
RETURNING THIS YEAR! For every $20 in new contributions in HUPAC, you could earn a chance to win up to $1,500 in the MONEY MACHINE!

  • Anchorage Downtown Marriott Hotel: 820 West 7th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501
  • AAHU Room Rate: $119.00/night + tax
  • Reservation code and instructions to follow.
  • Metered parking and garage parking across the street. 
  • Valet parking is available at the venue for $16 overnight/$8 day

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