18th Annual Alaska VIRTUAL AAHU Benefits Expo
Thursday, August 6th
1:00-4:00 pm via ZOOM (3 CE Credits)
AAHU is pivoting to providing members and non-members of AAHU a Virtual Expo on August 6th from 1:00 – 4:00 AKST. This event will cover a multitude of topics, and the attendees will hear from current NAHU President Pat Griffey!
John Greene, VP of Congressional Affairs NAHU
Overview of Government Affairs
Pat Griffey, President of NAHU
Overview and Status of NAHU and Health Underwriters Industry
Pamela Whitfield, AAHU HUPAC Chair
HUPAC 2020
Emma Fox, COO ePowered Benefits &
Dave Contorno, Founder and CEO ePowered Benefits
Keeping up with Consulting (RBP)
Cost to attend will be $25 for Members, $50 for Non-Members and will also include 3 hours of CE Credits. Detailed instructions will be provided with your registration confirmation. Please join us August 6th!
For more information regarding the event, payment transfers or refunds, you may contact the AAHU Executive Director, Kelly LaMarche at info@alaskaahu.org or the Expo Chair, Marshall Pickering at marshall.pickering@usi.com.